Welcome to the Town of


North Carolina

Water Services

Middlesex supplies it’s own water from four ground wells, and has a 100,000 gallon storage tower.  The present rate for water is $5.00 per 1,000 gallons and $8.00 monthly accessibility fee.

Beginning with the July 2013 utility billing, users will be billed for each gallon used instead of billing in thousands of gallons.

To establish your services, apply in person at the Town Hall, 10232 S. Nash Street to complete a service agreement.  The current deposit for all utilities is $200.00 for purchased homes and $250.00 for rented homes.

We do not accept debit/credit cards.  You must bring a valid picture ID and Social Security Card, or other legal document which includes your taxpayer ID#.   Please bring a copy of your lease agreement or closing document.

Please Note: All residential rental property must be inspected before you apply for water service. Landlords should contact the Town Hall to schedule this inspection with every change of tenant.

Sewer Services

We collect and ship all of the town’s wastewater to Raleigh, NC for treatment.  The present rate for wastewater is $14.75 per 1,000 gallons, and $15.00 per month accessibility fee.

Utility Billing

Meters are read on or around the 25th-26th day of each month.  Bills are mailed on the 1st day of each month for the services used the previous month.  Bills are due on the 15th day of each month.  A 10% penalty is added to past due accounts on the 16th day of the month.  Service is discontinued on the 25th day of each month for all unpaid accounts and a $50.00 cut off fee is added.

If you have questions, please feel free to call Town Hall at 252-235-5761.5.00